our staff

What’s your favorite day of the week?
Sunday’s, because brunch is one of my favorite activities!
What’s your favorite quote in life?
“It’s better to be looked over than overlooked.” – Mae West
What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My friends
Are you a beach vacation or a sight seeing vacation person?
Beach vacation for sure. I feel like most Rochesterians have to soak up as much sun as they can all summer in order to make it through the winter.
What’s one of the most bizarre food cravings you’ve ever had?
Ritz crackers and beer mustard
If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?
The ice maker because you should always have ice at a party.
Who was your celebrity childhood crush?
Teddy Geiger <3
If you could take any celebrity, dead or alive, to brunch… who would it be?
Julia Roberts, of my acting heroines I hear she’s actually super nice.
What’s your favorite color?
Maroon, Definitely one of my power colors.
Favorite childhood animated movie?
Thumbelina, I still sing “spring is in the air” every time I see the crocuses popping up in the spring.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Dipping every single bite of pizza in blue cheese.
Favorite place to have Sunday brunch?
Cure on the public market holds a special place in my heart when it comes to brunches.
Favorite place for a romantic dinner?
My favorite romantic dinner spot would have to be Roux, it’s hard to find a quiet candle lit spot these days.
Favorite place to meet friends for happy hour?
Love hitting up swan dive for happy hour, especially when it’s warm out, because they always have an amazing boozy slushee on special!
Do you like spontaneity or routine?
I thrive on both. I need order in many areas of my life but I think it’s also very important to make time and space for spontaneity to occur.
What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself?
My eyes, they’re hazel and change depending on what I wear.
What excites you about Rochester?
The amount of activism/activists we see in this city is incredible. The number of people that continue to show up in support of Black Lives Matter in heartening. As well as the countless other organizations such as the Rochester Street Medic Collective, and Food Not Bombs just to name a few.
What was the last book you read?
How to Defeat a Demon King in 10 Easy Steps by Andrew Rowe
What condiment could you NOT live without?
Mustard. I have an entire shelf in the fridge dedicated to mustard!
PB and Jelly or PB and Fluff?
PB and J…or honey…or bananas…
How many siblings (if any) do you have?
I’m the oldest of 3, My sister Maria is 5 years younger and my brother Nicholas is 3 years younger.
Did you or do you have a nickname?
A recent favorite is Stry.
What’s your favorite day of the year?
HALLOWEEN! I start planning the next years three halloween costumes the Monday after the insane weekend.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Any and all cheese cakes!
If I turned on the radio in your car right now, what would I be listening to?
Most likely it’s on 91.5 FM WXXI Rochester’s classical radio station.
How do you like to spend your day off?
With my friends.
Snow men or snow angels?
Snow angels! Preferably in my bathing suit after jumping out of a hot tub, I make sure to do that at least once each winter.
Hot, medium or mild?
Mild Medium and HOT! The YouTube show Hot-ones inspired me to get more into hot sauces and spicy foods.
How do you like your eggs?
Poached and in an eggs Benedict with a side of buttered Rye toast. (Brunch at cure, I’m very serious about it)
Would you rather jump into a pile of leaves or a puddle of water?
Leaves! I don’t want to ruin my shoes. But if I’m barefoot….puddles all the way!!!
If you could have any pet house broken and tame, what would you have?
Fox or crow.
If you could travel to any place in the world all expenses paid, where would you go?
I would love to take a sailing cruise around Italy.
Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
I would have to say my collection of close friends. We have each affected each other in a myriad of ways, constantly growing and learning together. I love them all so much and and I’m blessed to be experiencing life with them.