our staff

What’s your favorite day of the week?
Wednesdays, I love a good milestone.

What’s your favorite quote in life?
“Its been my experience, that no matter where you go…there you are.
– Suzanne Sugarbaker, Designing Woman

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My phone unfortunately.

Are you a beach vacation or a sight seeing vacation person?
Sight-seeing. I am a bit of a neat freak so sand can be my nemesis.

What’s one of the most bizarre food cravings you’ve ever had?
Cottage cheese and pickles. It’s delish!

If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?
A measuring cup. I like details.

Who was your celebrity childhood crush?
Ethan Embry. I was obsessed with Empire Records.

If you could take any celebrity, dead or alive, to brunch… who would it be?
I could definitely have brunch with Daniel Levy. I don’t mess around at brunch; I need someone who going to eat and have bottomless mimosa.

What’s your favorite color?
Orange to look at, Blue to wear.

Favorite movie of all time?
The Ref. We watch it every Christmas.

Favorite childhood animated movie?
The Last Unicorn.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Watching anything on Bravo.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Rochester?
I have only been in Rochester a week, the best place I’ve been so far is Poke Sushi.

Favorite place for a romantic dinner?
Home, I love to cook, and it is how I show someone I care about them.

Favorite place to meet friends for happy hour?
I have yet to go to a Happy hour in Rochester.

Do you like spontaneity or routine?
Routine for sure.

What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself?
People always say I have a nice nose and long lashes.

What excites you about Rochester?
Having nature close. I love to Hike and bike and the city seems to have endless options for getting outside.

What was the last book you read?
Theft By Finding Diaries 1977-2002 by David Sedaris.

What condiment could you NOT live without?

PB and Jelly or PB and Fluff?
None of the above. I’m not a fan of PB. The consistency of Jelly or Jam and fluff grosses me out. (it’s a texture thing).

How many siblings (if any) do you have?
I have a sister who is my best friend.

Did you or do you have a nickname?
Jordie and Jojo.

One thing about you that surprises people?
My honesty if you don’t want to know don’t ask.

What’s your favorite day of the year?
St Patrick’s Day, it is my anniversary.

What’s your favorite dessert?
None for me, just bring me a piece of cheese.

If I turned on the radio in your car right now, what would I be listening to?
An audio book. I listen to thrillers and murder mysteries.

How do you like to spend your day off?
I love spending time with my dogs and Husband, or working on my pottery wheel.

Snow men or snow angels?
Angels. It’s more fun to roll around in the snow.

Hot, medium or mild?

How do you like your eggs?

Would you rather jump into a pile of leaves or a puddle of water?
Puddle of water for sure.

If you could have any pet house broken and tame, what would you have?
A racoon or squirrel, I like how mischievous they both are.

If you could travel to any place in the world all expenses paid, where would you go?

Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
My husband. He is always pushing me to try new things and supports my wild dreams.