our staff

What’s your favorite day of the week?

What’s your favorite quote in life?
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Gandhi

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

Are you a beach vacation or a sight seeing vacation person?
Beach. I love to swim & sunbathe while listening to good tunes.

What’s one of the most bizarre food cravings you’ve ever had?
Peanut butter and bacon sammies.

If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?
An immersion blender.

Who was your celebrity childhood crush?
Zac Efron

If you could take any celebrity, dead or alive, to brunch… who would it be?
Melissa McCarthy: we would have a ball.

What’s your favorite color?
Any shade of green.

Favorite movie of all time?
Home Alone

Favorite childhood animated movie?

What’s your guilty pleasure?

What’s your favorite restaurant in Rochester?
The Cub Room

Favorite place to have Sunday brunch?
The Cub Room

Favorite place for a romantic dinner?

Favorite place to meet friends for happy hour?
Colters, or anywhere with an outside patio!!

Do you like spontaneity or routine?
Spontaneity, once my routine gets boring.

What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself?
My smile.

What excites you about Rochester?
The seasons! As much as I complain about the freezing temps, I would hate to have a “warm” winter!

What was the last book you read?
Maybe Now by Colleen Hoover.

What condiment could you NOT live without?

PB and Jelly or PB and Fluff?

How many siblings (if any) do you have?
2 older sisters

Did you or do you have a nickname?
Juj or Jules

One thing about you that surprises people?
I’m the youngest of three girls.

What’s your favorite day of the year?
My favorite day of the year is probably New Year’s Eve.

What’s your favorite dessert?
A moist piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

If I turned on the radio in your car right now, what would I be listening to?
One of my favorite stations on Sirius: Chill, Dave Matthews, or Bob Marley.

How do you like to spend your day off?
Not setting an alarm, spending time with family and friends and then going out for a nice dinner and drinks.

Snow men or snow angels?
Angels, duh.

Hot, medium or mild?

How do you like your eggs?
Over medium on toast.

Would you rather jump into a pile of leaves or a puddle of water?
Water. Barefoot.

If you could have any pet house broken and tame, what would you have?
A cheetah.

If you could travel to any place in the world all expenses paid, where would you go?
I would love to visit Europe.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
My parents.